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TSB Podcast

Episode 26. Plastic brains for adults – w/ Giuliano Didio

Our guest this week is Giuliano Didio, who is a PhD student at the Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE) of the University of Helsinki. He works on the magical world of brains! Did you know that the common saying that kids learn things faster is actually true? That’s because the infant brain is very “plastic”. Listen to this episode to learn what brain plasticity is and how to increase brain plasticity in adults!

25. The dark side of the Moon – w/ Markku Alho

Our guest this week is Markku Alho, who is a PhD student at Aalto University. He works on plasma modelling of solar wind interactions with several bodies in space. In this episode, we focus mostly on the Moon and how the solar wind “bombards” its surface, but we also talk for example about Venus, Mars, and comets!

Episode 19 – Nobody is allowed to steal plutonium – with Camille Bélanger-Champagne

In this episode we chat with Camille Bélanger-Champagne, post-doctoral researcher at the Helsinki Insitute of Physics. She works on instruments for nuclear safeguards, and the instrument she works on can be used by the inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency to check that facilities that handle nuclear power are using nuclear material for peaceful and civilian activies only.