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A modern pathologist: Artificial Intelligence

Ada, a curious seven-year-old, looks outside the window. It is a relatively humid day in Mansa, a city in northern Zambia, but it appears as though it isn’t going to rain for a couple of hours. Ignorant of the threat lurking around her, Ada happily leaves her house excited to play. Just as she reaches her friends, she suddenly slap

Ghosts in the universe

It may be that not all black holes have formed in the usual way: massive stars collapsing under
their gravitational pressure. During the Big Bang, large enough inhomogeneities in matter density
may have led to formation of microscopical “primordial black holes”, which might have survived
until the present day. They may help to explain a ghost in the universe, the mysterious dark matter.

Science in the Desert: Interview with Former Array Maintenance Manager at the World’s Largest Telescope ALMA – SCS Interview #2

Dr. David Rabanus worked as array maintenance manager for the world’s largest telescope, ALMA, in the Atacama desert in Chile. ALMA observes parts of the night sky that regular telescopes can not access and since its opening astronomy has been enriched with new discoveries. Read here about how it is to work at an observatory 5000 meters above sea level.