Since ancient times people have been searching for the Fountain of Youth, a magical remedy to ageing. As we age, the cells in our body age along with us. This affects many processes within the cell like the cell’s metabolism (the process of turning yummy ice cream into energy). Scientists are unsure whether the changes that accumulate over time are good or bad simply because we don’t know all the steps involved within the ageing process. In our lab we have identified one of these steps. We have found some interesting proteins that start to bunch together over time. These groups of proteins seem to contribute to a change in metabolism that is observed during ageing. In my talk, I will explain how the protein grouping happens and what it ultimately means for an ageing cell. Our study uncovers acompletely new world of ageing-related cell regulation. Remember, only after we understand ageing can we attempt to reverse it!
![Jurgita Paukstyte](