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Home » 3.9 Gold Dragonflies and odd chemistry – w/ Tomás, Giuliano & Eduardo García Padilla

3.9 Gold Dragonflies and odd chemistry – w/ Tomás, Giuliano & Eduardo García Padilla

Gold! Gold! That sweet yellow metal that shines and makes people rich. It also makes fancy spoons, tacky teeth, and… dragonflies?!
Well not exactly, we are cheering in that last one; but we promise it’s useful!
In today’s episode we will tell you some unexpected ways in which we can use gold.

Eduardo is a PhD candidate at the laboratory of Prof. Antonio Echavarren at the Institut Catalá d’Investigació Química (ICIQ) in Tarragona. He loves weird organometallic chemistry (chemistry that happens with metals and carbon structures).
With the special chemical properties metals have, he hopes to “cheat” the system and develop chemicals that make impossible reactions well… possible.

Eduardo is currently working in bioinspired metal-catalysed cyclisations and on the computational and experimental determination of the mechanistic pathways.
Eduardo’s instagram: @edu_gp97

References “coriander is evil”:
Callaway, E. Soapy taste of coriander linked to genetic variants. Nature (2012).

Your hosts this week are Tomás Garnier Artiñano & Giuliano Didio.
Editing by Tomás Garnier Artiñano.
Episode cover by Katja Kaurinkoski.
TSB Podcast logo by Tomás Garnier Artiñano.
Jingle by Havelocke.

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